Saturday, April 10, 2010

Have u ever wonder why there are more readers in for a girl blog than guy?? I dont think you do right. Most probably you just visit the blog and never ask yourself the question why you go there in the first place or even bookmark it. Humans are weird sometime (or all the time as i can see from my owner's behaviours) Female bloggers do not blog as often as male but they still garner enough viewership. Just look at Celestina's blog . She doesnt really update her blog much and yet she is able to earn more than a thousand dollar for Nuffnang. Puzzling?? Dont think so. Shs is just one of those attractive female blogger who is able to attract reader even without writing anything. Readers just aint bored looking at the same photos again and again. (Ok, i know now, you might argue that most of the reader for her blog are male. I am not too sure about that. I am just giving it a guess. I might be wrong but i doubt as i know my owner is one of them and he just cant stop clicking on hers everyday. hahah).

And if they blog, what do they normally blog about?? I think i can categorize them. There are either clubbling photos, outing with friends in restaurant or just some party. In fact, it these entries are quite boring if there is no photos to it. Hence, photos play a big part in attracting readership and even better if you are attractive.

As for guys blog, they mostly talk about even boring stuffs like finance, achieving financial freedom. Oh man..humans are damn boring. Nap time for me now..

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